Locator Irpin Hospitals The Irpin military hospital

The Irpin military hospital

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2023.12.08 Data updated
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The Irpin military hospital

The Irpin military hospital, located in Irpen, 11-ya line street, is an important medical institution that provides quality medical care to soldiers, veterans, persons who participated in hostilities, and other patients. It uses advanced technology and treatment methods to diagnose and treat a variety of ailments. This hospital has a team of qualified medical professionals who provide a wide range of medical services, including diagnosis, treatment, planned and emergency operations, rehabilitation, as well as psychological support and consultations.​​

Irpinsky Military Hospital is a multidisciplinary medical and diagnostic institution of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. It consists expand


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The Irpin military hospital (Irpin) - Hospitals, Hospitals located in Irpin by address: 11th line, 1.

today The Irpin military hospital works on schedule: 08:00-17:00. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with The Irpin military hospital by following telephone number: +380 (45) 979-33-09, +380 (45) 979-43-89.

This company's data on Locator was updated 160 days ago.